In this episode of RITEous Reform, we talk about the best way for the faithful to participate in the Mass
Posts By Robert Lasmana
Eucharistic Fast
Hero Slide Altar
Mass Times
Mass Times:
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 7.30am, 9:30am, and 5pm
Wednesday 9am (excluding first Wed of the month Mass at 8am) and 6pm
Tuesday – Friday 6pm
Benediction: Wednesday 6.30pm
Adoration & Rosary: Tuesday 9 – 10am
Legion of Mary Tuesday 2:15pm
Home Communion: For the sick and elderly every Sunday morning between 9am and 11am.
Request to Parish Priest by Saturday mid-day. Telephone: 9256 9650
Reconciliation: Daily (excl. Mondays) 30 minutes before Mass, or by appointment.
Religious Education Programme for children attending Government Schools. Every Tuesday during school terms between 4pm & 5pm.
Other services are available.
Please ring the Parish Office 9256 9650, or see the Parish website –