Faith formation for children attending Government Schools is offered from Grade 1 to Grade 7. All children receive general formation that is age specific, and those who are to make a Sacrament complete an 8/9 week program specifically designed for the particular Sacrament. Our Catechist team have received their training through the Catechist Service at the Catholic Education Office.
Annual Fees: $25 per family for one child and $35 for two or more children enrolled from a family. The Parish provides all stationery required.
For 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist there is an extra charge of $10 per child and for Confirmation $15 which includes a Confirmation Stole.
Enrolment takes place in the fourth Term of the previous year and prior to commencement of the new school year, however, children can enrol for classes at any time during the year.
Classes are held on Tuesday afternoons between 4 and 5pm in the School Hall during normal school terms.
Enquiries to Parish Priest (Fr Jean-Nöel MARIE), or
Catechist Co-ordinator, (Cynthia Gauci) on 0430 776 648 or email